
Install Hookstack SDK in your project:

npm install @hookstack/sdk
# or
yarn add @hookstack/sdk
# or
pnpm add @hookstack/sdk

Quick Setup

1. Configure Environment

First, set up your signing secret. This is used to verify incoming webhooks:

# .env

2. Create Your First Webhook Handler

3. Configure Your Webhook URL

Create a new webhook in your Hookstack dashboard and copy the generated Webhook URL.

Set up your webhook URL in your provider’s dashboard and ensure you’ve configured the signing secret correctly:

Security Features

Hookstack provides robust security features out of the box:

Signature Verification

Cryptographic verification of webhook signatures using HMAC-SHA256

Timestamp Validation

Protection against replay attacks with timestamp verification

Version Control

Support for multiple signature versions for seamless upgrades

Raw Body Handling

Proper handling of raw request bodies for signature verification

Next Steps
